LiveWest Concierge and Security Services in Bristol.
LiveWest are looking for bids from SIA Approved or equivalent Providers for the delivery of Concierge and Security Services in its young people accommodation-based services known as a Foyer. rr rr Annually, an estimated 5426 security officer hours are required. rr LiveWest provides accommodation and support services to young people aged 16 to 25 years old herein referred to as residents in the Foyer in this tender. Our residents have often faced trauma as children and experienced homelessness or been at risk of homelessness and have diverse strengths needs and aspirations. We offer a safe and secure home to help them develop their confidence and resilience through a wide range of opportunities. We support our residents to create a personalised support or action plan that recognises their strengths and talents as well as their needs. rr rr Our aim at LiveWest is to see residents build their skills learn to take responsibility for their own lives and understand how to be a good neighbour and be responsible for their home. The provision of effective Concierge and Security Services within our Foyer outside of normal LiveWest office hours are an important aspect of our service offer. It is important to note that some residents are children 1617 year old and therefore the Foyer will be regulated by Ofsted.rr rr Livewests detailed requirements are defined within the specification document.rr rr It is expected that the contract duration will be for up to 4 years.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79710000 - Security services
75241000 - Public security services
Status :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors