Living Levels_Digital Reconstruction Of Roman-Era Caerleon
The Living Levels Partnership, in collaboration with the National Roman Legion Museum at Caerleon, is seeking to commission a digital reconstruction of Roman-era Caerleon.We would like to produce a 3D digital reconstruction of Roman-era Caerleon, showing the fortress next to the River Usk and within the wider Levels landscape. The reconstruction should include an animated fly-over of the fortress, showing key buildings, landscape features and aspects of daily life.Ideally, we would like to use the animated fly-over on the project website, for viewing on a desktop computer or in the field on a mobile phone or tablet (or possibly VR headset), and for display at the National Roman Legion Museum. In addition, we may also use still 2D images taken from the animation for information leaflets and panels.The digital reconstruction would also be made available to Living Levels partners for use at museums, visitor centres, Partner websites, etc.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71354000 - Map-making services.
Tenderbase Categories
Building Services Consultancy/ Engineering Design Services / Consultancy/ Urban Planning and Landscape Architectural Services /Technical Testing Analysis and Consultancy Services/ Inspection Services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors