Llandinam: Replacement Low Loss Header & DHW Heaters Aberystwyth University
Mechanical worksStripping out of redundant pumps, calorifiers, pipework, fittings, valves etcSupply & installation of new header complete with primary pumpsProvision of and connection of secondary circuits onto new headerProvision of water treatment unit, water meters, drains and MCW modifications etcModification of gas service – Llandinam boiler roomProvision of gas service – Cledwyn Spur plant roomSupply & installation of new hot water heater including domestic watermodifications – Llandinam boiler roomSupply & installation of new hot water heater including domesticwater modifications – Cledwyn Spur plant roomIdentification, insulation and cladding of LTHW pipeworkIdentification, insulation and cladding of domestic pipeworkElectrical worksRebuilding of extant control panels to suit new controls equipment andnew plant configurationsProvision of mains voltage cabling, conduits etc to pumps etcProvision of low voltage cabling, conduits etc to sensors and control devicesBuilder’s WorkProvision of holes and penetrations etc, making good fire-stopping etcProvision of access equipment, scaffolding etc.Provision of bases and supportsTesting & CommissioningCommissioning and testing of the boilers and controls, establishing andintroducing appropriate control parameters and settings etcRecord drawings, operating and maintenance manuals,provision of information in accordance with CDM Regulation,pressure test certificates and instruction of client's staff.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71333000 - Mechanical engineering services
50712000 - Repair and maintenance services of mechanical building installations
50000000 - Repair and maintenance services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors