
Local Government Recruitment Partnership (LGRP) Framework.


The London Borough of Sutton (Sutton Council) is working on behalf of the Local Government Recruitment Partnership (LGRP), previously known as the London Borough Recruitment Partnership (LBRP) and is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified organisations for the provision of a Framework Agreement for recruitment services divided into four Lots:Lot 1 — Strategic HR management consultancy servicesConsultancy services including but not limited to: employer branding, branded materials, social media advice and management, search engine marketing and optimisation, market intelligence outplacement, organisational design and redesign, organisational development, executive coaching and development, options for people management solutions, workforce delivery models, and ideas for maximising recruitment from talent pools.NB. There is no obligation upon the Partners to buy all or any of these services – as business need will determine their approach.Lot 2 — Executive and interim search and selectionExecutive search services for both permanent and interim roles including hard-to-fill specialist roles. This service would be typically used for roles where the salary is higher than GBP 50 000 per annum.Lot 3 — Talent Wave portalA jobs board/portal for all partners to place adverts which would be accessible for employees of partner authorities, with a separate section to store details of redeployees/employees at risk of redundancy (who could be sent details of suitable roles placed based on criteria they enter onto the system), and capacity for other job seekers to submit their details and career interests. The portal will also enable the promotion of the Local Government employer brand, and should have the functionality to feature news items and advertorial content. With regards to redeployees the aim is potentially to reduce the number of staff being made redundant and save each authority redundancy costs.(Please note that Lot 3 is not being awarded at this time)Lot 4 — Software employer brand and recruitment advertising solutionsAn electronic software tool that can be used by a centralised team (employed by London Borough of Sutton on behalf of the partnership) to design adverts and jobs board banners that can be resized and amended as necessary to ensure the partner organisation's brand is consistent and the advert is suitably sized for the chosen media. The software solution should provide a built in work-flow between the LGRP Team, the appropriate contact from the partner organisation and the media to allow for quick and tracked communication between all parties. The LGRP team would book all adverts on behalf of the partnership with the media, also including public notices.(Please note that Lot 4 is not being awarded at this time)The contract will be for a period of 2 (two) years commencing on 1.4.2015 until 31.3.2017, with the option to extend twice for a period of 12 months (2+1+1).


Published Date :

28th Feb 2015 10 years ago

Deadline :


Tender Awarded :

1 Supplier

Awarded date :


Contract Start :


Contract End :


Tender Regions

CPV Codes

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Status :


Assign to :

Tender Progress :



Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors