Local Growth Hub Liverpool City Region Brokerage Partners
The LEP has been awarded funds by the BEIS to continue to manage and deliver a Local Growth Hub for the Liverpool city region, this funding will initially be matched by ERDF.The Local growth hub intends to continue with its current approach and therefore, wishes to engage Brokerage partners covering each of the 6 Local Authority (LA) areas of Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral. In addition, the LEP are seeking a specialist broker to cover harder to reach groups including Women, Bame Groups, and Social economy businesses across the City region. Therefore, there will be a total of 7 lots that suppliers can bid for Local Growth Hub Brokerage Partners will need to undertake the following actions:— Mapping of business support services,— Provision of business information,— Business pre-start, start-up and growth diagnostic,— Business pre-start, start-up and growth brokerage,— Account management for high growth/ potential High growth businesses,— Provision/facilitation of business networks,— Promotion of local growth hub services, in particular, City Region European programmes of support,— Collaboration with local delivery and brokerage partners,— Maintaining accurate and comprehensive records on common CRM platform,— Evaluation of business support impact,— Any other necessarily required ancillary services.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79411100 - Business-development consultancy services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors