Local Integration of Women's Services (Whole System Approach) 2022-2025
The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) would like to invite bids to improve the integration of women's services in local areas in England and Wales into a Whole System Approach (WSA) to address the often-complex needs of women in or at risk of contact with the criminal justice system. This grant therefore aims to establish a whole system approach to local women's services. This will bring together criminal justice agencies, other statutory services (like health, substance misuse, accommodation, domestic abuse and employment), and voluntary sector women's services. Women in the criminal justice system often have multiple and complex needs and need access a multitude of public services. This grant therefore aims to establish a whole system approach to local women's services. This will bring together criminal justice agencies, other statutory services (like health, substance misuse, accommodation, domestic abuse and employment), and voluntary sector women's services. The whole system approach model will vary according to local needs and services, but key elements include an early needs assessment at first contact with the police, a women-centred, a problem-solving approach at court, and gender-informed support alongside community orders and on release from prison. Applications are invited from the following organisations in England and Wales: -Local authorities -Police and Crime Commissioners -Police Forces -Local Criminal Justice Boards However, this list is not exhaustive, and other statutory bodies, such as local health authorities, may apply. The purpose of these grants is to further local integration amongst the local partners/areas.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
75231230 - Prison services
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors