Local Specialist Obesity Service.
An all-age specialist obesity management service. Aim is to support clients to make sustainable adjustment to their lifestyle to support weight loss and/or maintenance of healthy weight to improve clients' overall health and well-being.This aim would be achieved by:— Providing an accessible, high quality and evidence-based weight management service to support families and individuals in Knowsley;— Coordinating and delivering a personalised package of care for individuals of all ages entering the system and ensuring continuity of care;— Delivering evidence based interventions which include those with specific focus on diet/nutrition, physical activity, behaviour change and psychological support to support sustainable behaviour change, weight loss and/or healthy weight maintenance leading to reducing risk of obesity-related diseases;— Optimising pharmacological management of clients;— Collaborating with other professionals to establish pathways and protocols for referral between services where appropriate;— Raising greater awareness of the health and other benefits of weight loss;— Supporting patients in making meaningful lifestyle changes conducive to achieving weight loss and/or maintaining healthy weight;— Ensuring that patients who do not currently meet criteria for a surgical intervention remain motivated to achieve weight loss and maintain healthy weight;— Working with other services, including voluntary and commercial organisations, to provide seamless support for clients;— Identifying and managing clients suitable for Tier 4 bariatric treatment and managing such clients post-operatively as may be required;— Supporting and promoting the use of self-help and peer support networks.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85140000 - Miscellaneous health services
98334000 - Wellness services
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors