London Leadership Programmme - Development, Management and Facilitation
London Councils represents London's 32 borough councils and the City of London. It is a cross party organisation that works on behalf of all of its member authorities regardless of political persuasion. London Councils makes the case to government, the Mayor and others to get the best deal for Londoners and to ensure that our member authorities have the resources, freedoms and powers to do the best possible job for their residents and local businesses. The London Leadership Programme (LLP) has been running since the autumn of 2017 and to date 57 senior officers across London have participated with a further 33 scheduled by May 2019. Feedback from all those attending and their sponsors has been very positive. We now wish to extend the programme for two further cohorts in 2019-20. The LLP was motivated by a recognised need to invest in people who have the ability to perform as collaborative systems leaders in London, and to support London's future leaders to best understand and capitalise on the complex social and organisational systems that will enable the required transformation of public services in London. We now invite you to submit a written quotation for the development and delivery of two further cohorts of the LLP on behalf of the LLP Project Board. The Board is chaired by the CEX of Islington and comprises representatives of the Chief Executives London Committee, London Councils and the London HR Directors Network as well as the Local Government Association. The finances associated with the LLP are administered through London Councils both in terms of fee income and expenditure as well as the grant received from the LGA. The contract for this commission will be with London Councils on behalf of the LLP Project Board.
Published Date :
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Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80510000 - Specialist training services
80520000 - Training facilities
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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High Value :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors