Expressions of interest are sought to undertake a large-scale longitudinal research study to investigate the needs, experiences and outcomes of children who have left care on an Adoption Order (AO) and Special Guardianship Order (SGO). The aim of this research is to provide an updated understanding of the needs, experiences and long-term outcomes for children leaving care through these routes. The Department wishes this study to be a seminal piece of research that provides a detailed understanding of the complexity that lies behind outcomes for children and young people leaving care permanently, how these affect and impact on a full range of outcomes, how these change over time, and how they vary between different routes to permanence. We anticipate that the study will develop from a feasibility stage that will consider and identify the best approach that will deliver on the aims and objectives; explore the availability and accessibility of the data; and establish an appropriate sampling frame. A central plank of the study will be a mixed methods longitudinal survey of children that left care on an AO or SGO and their families/ carers, following children and young people over five years. It is envisaged that the first wave, and at least one subsequent wave, will be wholly face to face with the remaining waves a mixture of face to face, phone, and web survey (dependant on the situation with Covid-19). We also envisage supporting the longitudinal surveys with qualitative interviews with children and families; analysis of case files; and qualitative interviews with local authority and Regional Adoption Agency stakeholder. We anticipate that project design and set up will commence around August 2021 with the feasibility stage needing to report and complete by the end of March 2022. Subject to future Spending Review funding, the mainstage piloting and fieldwork would begin Summer/ Autumn 2022. This would also be subject to agreed design and approach with the appointed contractor. Further details can be found on the attached EOI advert. **Update 16/04/2021 ** - Clarification Question: (for information) Q) Clarification has been requested on what the DfE considers to be long-term outcomes. A) In terms of long-term outcomes, our current thinking is that the focus would be a combination of chronological age and years since placement. We think there would be particular interest in tracking progress into adolescence, although this may vary depending on the age at placement. At the Invitation to Tender stage, we would encourage bidders to explore the longer-term outcomes that they feel are most relevant and interesting. **Further update 19/04/2021 ** - Clarification Question: (for information) Q) Clarification has been requested on the focus on the research. A) The research will focus on England only.
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1 Possible Competitors