Lot 4 - Request For Quotation Form - Block Work
The following is meant only as a guide to what we are wishing to commission providers will have their own views on methodology and we are looking for your expertise in making the case for what will work best when completing the accompanying RtQ response template. Please complete bottom section here on Quotation Submission Providers. To deliver:- An employer-led targeted blockwork opportunity for 20 unemployed residents of the target boroughs to enable brokerage onto Nine Elms Vauxhall sites with relevant sub-contractors where significant block work activity planned. This will conform / show how it can address the requirements set out in the ‘Integrated pre-employment & pre-vocational training’ section of the NEV construction Specifications Overview and responding to the findings of the ‘Lessons learned from the Pilots.’ (Attached). The proposal should demonstrate clearly how it is employer-led and meets industry-demand requirements in its lesson plan design and demonstrate how it can achieve success in placing trainees into entry roles in industry through its links, track record, and through continual improvement and innovation. The project needs to demonstrate through its method statement how it will address the preparation, delivery and quality management of all stages of the training. Trainees will be required to work safely and competently in a site based environment in addition to completing all theory elements of pre-vocational qualification. The quotation is being sought as block work skills in particular are in short supply in the travel to train area of central south London. The methodology should seek to identify the key attributes required to get people up to the competence and speed required to work on site by engaging with industry. This may mean targeting candidates who previously would have studied brick work, had good aptitudes but not the speed required, or having had the opportunity to work with blocks. This 6-8 week course will provide the candidate with the knowledge and skills to be industry ready. Once the candidate has completed the 6 weeks of intensive, hands on brick work training they should be primed to work towards a Trowel Occupations NVQ2 and to provide opportunity to work towards achieving an (Apprenticeship L2 / Advanced apprenticeship L3) In the final 2-3 weeks the candidate will receive training which reflects the reality of working onsite in a work placement providing the individual with a comprehensive understanding of the personal attributes required onsite and will eventually be required to achieve the Apprenticeship L2 or NVQ level 2.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80000000 - Education and training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors