LPS CARE - Provision of Group Advocacy and Supports for Peer Advocates in Lancashire who have Mental Health Needs and/or Autism Spectrum Conditions - RFQ 15267878
Lancashire County Council is inviting quotes for the delivery of Group Advocacy and Supports for Peer Advocates in Lancashire within three lots. Lot 1 Mental Health Needs Lot 2 Autism Spectrum Conditions Lot 3 Mental Health Needs and/or Autism Spectrum Conditions There will be no restrictions on the number of lots a supplier may quote for. The Authority intends to award Lots 1 and 2 or Lot 3 following an assessment of the Lots. The Authority wishes to commission a service which: 1. Develops and supports advocacy groups for people with autism and with mental health needs to lead the advocacy support that they receive, attend forums and meetings across Lancashire and to understand and have a say over the issues which impact their lives; 2. Supports peer advocates to interact with all relevant forums, services and individuals such as commissioners, elected council members, private and voluntary sector service providers and local decision making boards; 3. Encourages individuals to become peer advocates, enabling people with a shared experience to support and empower each other; 4. Trains volunteers to develop an advocacy network as part of LCC's advocacy model; 5. Provide group advocacy support to participate in strategic service reviews and system redesign undertaken by public sector bodies. This may involve supporting people to have a voice within statutory consultations or co-production exercises.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85300000 - Social work and related services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors