LPS PH Living Well, Living Better; Mobilising Communities and Building Resilience and Capacity for Better Health and Wellbeing in Lancashire - RFQ 15137526
The Transformation and Challenge Award (TCA) from the DCLG aims to find innovative and sustainable ways to improve resilience, with a focus on vulnerable adults and older people through a programme called Living Well, Living Better (LWLB). It is focussed on tackling social isolation and loneliness, and building resilient communities. By doing so, it is anticipated to ultimately prevent, delay or reduce the intensity of higher cost health and social care services. The LWLB programme board agreed to deploy resources to be invested to support the Lancashire-wide programme across the emerging public services transformation programme that has gathered momentum since the inception of the programme. This will primarily be focused on developing and supporting the undertaking of a new system wide programme for mobilising communities and building resilience and capacity for better health and wellbeing across Lancashire. The proposal is to start in 6-7 localities across Lancashire, aiming to eventually proliferate this approach (outside this tender) across the wider Lancashire footprint. The Mobilising Communities and Building Resilience and Capacity for Better Health and Wellbeing in Lancashire tender will be comprised of 3 Lots: Lot 1- Workforce Develop and deliver a cross sector workforce development programme within the selected localities to enable the frontline workforce to embrace a culture of asset based thinking and person centred care in delivering public services and ensuring sustainability of this approach. Lot 2 – Mobilising Communities – Infrastructure/Network Development To identify and develop effective and innovative ways for a place-based approach within selected localities to mobilise individuals and communities to improve their health, wellbeing and resilience. Lot 3 – Maximising Potential of the Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector (VCFS) To critique and appraise the current system of engaging with the VCFS and its role in building resilience and wellbeing and develop a cross-sector approach to maximise the potential of the VCFS relationship with the public sector on a more sustainable footprint.
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CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors