Major Permissions Consenting Strategy Contract
Nuclear Waste Services Objectives The objective of work undertaken through this tender is to provide services to the Major Permissions Team via the provision of an individual or team to complete the following: 1) Develop and produce (with input from NWS) the overarching consenting strategy to support all the necessary consenting activities required for the purposes of site characterisation and preparation works for the GDF. 2) Develop and produce (with input from NWS) a consentability input methodology and process to support internal decision making; 3) Facilitate a legal review of the consenting strategy and associated consentability inputs methodology note with the RWM legal counsel; 4) Integrate the strategy and processes across the relevant functions of the RWM business; 5) Scope the site-specific work needed to implement the consenting strategy for as many sites as required whether in the inshore region or on land; 6) Provide written deliverables recording and documenting the work undertaken. *PLEASE NOTE THIS OPPORTUNITY IS BEING TENDERED VIA THE CCS CONSTRUCTION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DPS - RM6242. WE ARE ONLY ALLOWED TO INCLUDE SUPPLIERS WHO WERE REGISTERED AT THE TIME OF RUNNING A FILTER SEARCH ON THE CCS WEBSITE WHICH WAS (14:49PM 18/05/2022) AS SUCH THIS NOTICE SERVES AS INFORMATION ONLY.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors