Making Connections - Social Prescribing (NEHF)
1.Background 1.1.Social prescribing is a way for local agencies to refer people to a link worker or coordinator. Link workers/coordinators give people time, focusing on 'what matters to me' and taking a holistic approach to people's health and wellbeing. They connect people to community-led services and statutory services for practical and emotional support. This requires them to be an embedded part of the local community, understanding what support is available for people to access. 1.2.In North East Hampshire and Farnham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) social prescribing services were initially piloted in one area of the geography prior to the service being rolled out to all areas in July 2016. 1.3.This service is called Making Connections and is currently provided by Hart Voluntary Action in partnership with other charitable organisations. 1.4.An independent evaluation of the service was conducted in March 2018 which found good evidence that the service was making a positive impact on the lives of people who accessed Making Connections and how they felt about the important things in life. 1.5.The contract with the current provider, Hart Voluntary Action, is now reaching its expiry date. To inform the commissioning intentions of the CCG, expressions of interest are sought from voluntary sector providers that are able to demonstrate that they can fulfil the service requirements listed in this document including knowledge of local services, stakeholders and systems. This can be done by completing the request for information form by the 16th September 2019 and returning via the following email address:. 2.Current service 2.1.Referrals to Making Connections can be made from a number of sources including self-referral, external agencies or NHS bodies. A target of 600 referrals per annum is included in the contract. 2.2.The current service has four elements: 2.2.1.Triage - Those referred receive a telephone triage from a senior Making Connections coordinator upon receipt of the referral by the service 2.2.2.Signposting - Those referred may be signposted to a local service that they will benefit from being connected with 2.2.3.Bespoke support - The service aims to support people with a wide range of social and non-medical needs, particularly isolation, offering them a period of focused and bespoke support. The Making Connection coordinators undertake a face to face guided conversation with individuals to understand their circumstances and what they want to change or improve. The coordinator then uses this to develop an action plan with clear goals that can be agreed with the person; actively helping them to meet these goals. The indicative length of time bespoke support is provided for is 12 weeks 2.2.4.Volunteer coordination - Recruitment, management and supervision of service volunteers 3.Future service elements 3.1.From the 2019/2020 financial year onwards NHS England have provi
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85000000 - Health and social work services
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