Managed Laboratory Services Contract.
The Authority requires to appoint a contractor to act as a prime contractor for the provision of fully managed laboratory services at the Gilbert Bain Hospital in Lerwick, Shetland and the Balfour Hospital in Kirkwall, Orkney, that meets the service aim of a economically advantageous, high quality innovative and progressive diagnostic laboratory service.The Gilbert Bain laboratory is severely constrained by its small floor area and an innovative solution is being sought that makes best use of technology and equipment that allows the service to be delivered from a limited footprint.The Balfour laboratory is more spacious but the hospital is likely to be rebuilt at a new site — work is planned to commence 2016 for completion in 2018. Both Boards own all of their analytical equipment used within the two laboratories. The majority of these items are becoming aged and are due for replacement.The system and associated services will include enabling work, the provision, commissioning, on-going support and maintenance of equipment, associated IT connectivity, the supply of consumables and associated items, and necessary training of the Authority's staff. Others elements may include, but are not limited to, inventory management, temperature mapping and monitoring systems.The requirements for this contract have been split into 2 lots — a) Blood Sciences (clinical chemistry, immunoassay, haematology, coagulation, hospital based point of care (POCT) and infectious disease serology) and b) Microbiology.Although the initial managed service contract solution required is in respect of the above areas, it is anticipated that, in the future, the scope of the managed service contract may be extended during the course of the contract period to include, without limitation, POCT to general practitioners and transfusion medicine.Tenderers will be expected to signify within the PQQ if they will be bidding as a primary contractor or as a third party.Proposals for the optimal staff complement to operate the suggested solution, based on operational opening times for the laboratory, should be included as part of the tender response.Short-listing will take place throughout this competitive tender process with the first cut taking place after receipt of the pre-qualification questionnaires from potential providers. The Authority also reserves the right to eliminate potential providers throughout the dialogue phase.The contract length will be for 7 years with an option to extend for up to a further 2 years and is anticipated to have annual value of up to GBP 600 000.The Authority is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender and the Authority shall be free to abandon the procurement process pursuant to which this invitation to tender is issued at any time.All bidders responding to an Invitation to Tender do so at their own cost and expense and no reimbursement shall be made by the Boards whether or not an award of contract is made.Note: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland Web Site at
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71900000 - Laboratory services
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors