Managed Service Provider (MSP) to supply Children's Social Care CAST teams the Children's Services department of Hampshire County Council
A Managed Service Provider (MSP) to supply five Children's Social Care Family Help teams for the Children's Services department to use in five districts across the county. The number of teams could be increased or reduced over the term of the contract, subject to separate agreement with the supplier.You will be required to have Three teams consisting of 28 workers in the following districts, these will be available, fully compliant and ready to be deployed from the start date of the contract (1st February 2025), without the need of additional recruitment campaigns. Hart and Rushmoor Team 1 - 1 Team Manager, 1 Assistant Team Manager, 7 QSW's Team 2 - 1 Team Manager, 1 Assistant Team Manager, 7 QSW's Team 3 Basingstoke - 1 Team Manager, 1 Assistant Team Manager, 7 QSW's Plus 1 project support across the three teams This will be equivalent to the following caseload Assistant Team Manager, maximum of 10 cases QSW - Maximum of 20 Cases Total caseload - 450 MSP will provide senior management, that will be responsible for audit all the children's files and will record management oversight including SMART actions. The purpose of this is to ensure management grip for when the Social Workers start and to ensure they have guidance and direction. Please see ITT for full information.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors