Managed Service to maintain existing equipment for Site Security Control Rooms (SSCRs)
1.1Introduction to the Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC) The role of the CNC is the protection of civil nuclear sites and nuclear materials. The overall purpose of the Constabulary is to deliver an effective and efficient Police Service, complying with national security requirements, for the protection of nuclear materials. Our aim is to provide a secure and safe environment in which the nuclear industry can carry out its business. The CNC works in partnership with nuclear operators and Home Office Forces. Operational units are located at sites throughout the United Kingdom and CNC headquarters is based at Culham in Oxfordshire. The CNC is committed to equal opportunities. We positively encourage applications from all areas of the community. The CNC does not discriminate on the grounds of gender, disability, age, race, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, or sexual orientation. 1.2Introduction to the Contract, Specification, Questionnaire, its Composition and Purpose The CNC requires a fully managed service to maintain existing equipment for its Site Security Control Rooms (SSCRs) UK-wide. The SSCRs are used by the CNC to monitor the local and command talk groups. There is one position for a CNC officer with access to a touchscreen which controls 2 radios and a telephone. There is a site security officer in the room with the CNC officer. The site security officer does not have any access to the CNC systems. This is to help communication between the site and CNC in an event. CNC have SSCRs at 8 sites: •HeyshamZetron DCS 5020 •Hinkley PointZetron DCS 5020 •HartlepoolZetron DCS 5020 •Sellafield GL7AW Comms TRICX •DungenessAW Comms TRICX •HunterstonAW Comms TRICX •SizewellAW Comms TRICX •TornessAW Comms TRICX
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