Manchester Airport Group — Airfields Framework.
Manchester Airport Group Plc (MAG) wishes to commission a framework agreement to deliver Airfield works across its portfolio of Airports at Manchester, East Midlands, London Stansted and Bournemouth. The successful contractor will work collaboratively with MAG in order to deliver airfield works for its capital programme and also the transformation project at Manchester Airport (MAN-TP). All Airfield work will be delivered under airside restrictions of access and security.MAG is the largest UK-owned airport operator, serving around 42 000 000 passengers every year and handling 600 000 tonnes of air freight every year, through its ownership and operation of Manchester, London Stansted, East Midlands and Bournemouth airports. MAG support the UK Government's commitment to the principles of sustainable development in the aviation industry, striking a balance between economic, social and environmental considerations.MAG has a requirement for an airfield framework contractor to deliver its year on year rolling capital programme in order to satisfy its regulatory compliance and growth obligations. The successful contractor will work across the group airports in order the support the delivery of the programme.MAG as part of their 10-year capital investment programme plans to transform Manchester Airport (MAN-TP) and position the airport as a ‘Global Gateway’. MAN-TP is in response to key factors such as forecast passenger growth, changing customer and airline expectations and positioning Manchester Airport as a key component of the country's aviation system.If at any stage MAG considers that it would not be appropriate / necessary to award a framework agreement, MAG reserves absolute discretion to cancel, including, in particular, following evaluation of PQQ Responses. MAG will not be liable for any loss suffered by Bidders following a decision to cancel.The successful candidate will be responsible for taking Designs developed by others through to delivery, commissioning, handover and completion of the works including operational readiness and transition. The following list, which is not exhaustive, contains activities that may be delivered through this Airfield framework or via other MAG Framework Agreements.— Asbestos removal, demolition and site clearance.— Taxiways — new / refurbishment/ re-configuration.— Stands — new / refurbishment / re-configuration / new access points.— Stand equipment (Fixed Electrical Ground Power (FEGP) / Stand Entry Guidance System (SEGS) / Advanced Visual Docking Guidance System (AVDGS) and interfaces.— Fuel infrastructure.— Fire Mains.— Drainage.— Ducts and drawpits etc.— Earthworks.— Airfield Ground Lighting (AGL).— Sub-station construction and associated infrastructure.— Buildings (new / re-configuration).— Decommissioning.— Airfield Perimeter Fence and Control Posts (new / reconfiguration).— Line marking and signage.— Access Control Posts.— Roads.— High mast lighting.— Operational readiness and airport transition (ORAT) — ensuring that MAG is fully prepared to assume ownership of the works.It is envisaged that the framework will be procured, via a negotiated process.A separate design team together with a managed service provider (MSP) has been commissioned for MAN-TP. The MAN-TP design team will develop designs to the end of RIBA Stage 3.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45316220 - Installation of airport signalling equipment
45235200 - Runway construction works
34995000 - Lighting for aircraft guidance and illumination
45262660 - Asbestos-removal work
34997200 - Airport lighting
71322000 - Engineering design services for the construction of civil engineering works
34997000 - Control, safety or signalling equipment for airports
45233100 - Construction work for highways, roads
45210000 - Building construction work
44482200 - Fire hydrants
45235310 - Taxiway construction work
45235110 - Construction work for airfields
45262700 - Building alteration work
45235111 - Airfield pavement construction work
45235311 - Taxiway pavement construction work
45235000 - Construction work for airfields, runways and manoeuvring surfaces
35111000 - Firefighting equipment
45235210 - Runway resurfacing
45111100 - Demolition work
45213331 - Airport buildings construction work
45232220 - Substation construction work
45213330 - Construction work for buildings relating to air transport
71320000 - Engineering design services
45235300 - Construction work for aircraft-manoeuvring surfaces
31682540 - Substation equipment
45235320 - Construction work for aircraft aprons
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors