Mapping expansion and degradation of Saltmarsh
"Expertise in remote sensing / earth observation essential. The project will examine the EA Saltmarsh Extent and Zonation dataset against Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 imagery to assess the 'burning in' approach, alongside recently collected data from Natural England field surveyors. The project will aim to determine where saltmarsh habitats are in a state of expansion or decline and if such geomorphological information can aid the thresholds used. The incorporation methods of the EA Saltmarsh Extent and Zonation dataset within LE Phase IV habitat probability map will be critically assessed. This will examine our current overlap approach and test alternatives or improvements to the current thresholding approach. This analysis will focus on selected areas of saltmarsh provided by the Living England team and could be explored on a national scale dependent upon the resources available. Finally, this should be written up in a technical report with recommendations and considerations for inclusion of analysis in our habitat mapping workflow and for scaling up the approach to national scale." "Your response should be returned to the following email address by: Email: Date: 17/11/2022 Time: 17:30 Ensure you state the reference number and 'Final Submission' in the subject field to make it clear that it is your response."
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CPV Codes
72212326 - Mapping software development services
72316000 - Data analysis services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors