Mapping global food loss hotspots: identification, assessment and options for mitigation
The overall aim is to understand the scale and significance of on-farm losses (in relation to other stages in the value chain) and what needs to be done to address these. We seek to understand the potential scale of food loss in different parts of the world and to better understand the environmental and social impacts resulting from those losses. We want to understand some of the key drivers for these losses in order to be able to identify and design a suite of possible interventions to mitigate them. Furthermore, we seek to better understand the perceptions of some key stakeholders along the food value chain for their views and understanding of food losses to ensure mitigations and interventions proposed are fit for purpose. This project should build on and add to the vast body of literature that exists as well as conduct new primary research (e.g. through stakeholder interviews) where necessary. Proposals should be maximum 5 pages in length and include: •Your approach and proposed method to address the Project Objectives and Outputs. •Consideration of available data and collection methods •A project plan detailing proposed scope and timeframes •Details of relevant experience. •A fee proposal including total days and day rates for each member of staff who will work on the project, and any non-staff/travel/ancillary costs. •Names and CVs of all staff who will work on the project, and proposed roles (can be beyond the 5 pages). Deadline to apply is Friday 26th June.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors