MAR0043 Studio School Conversion Tender for Design Team
Following a review of the campus buildings and assessment of their use the University has initiated a Space Utilization Plan. This will, in the long term, result in more efficient use of the space available and create a series of activity based 'Hubs' covering academic, student support and professional services. As part of the Plan, the Academy Studio School, situated on the Northern edge of the campus, was purchased from the Department for Education in early 2023. The building was constructed in 2015-16 and only used as a school for a short time. Since then it has not been in operation and the limited records available to the University suggest minimal maintenance work or compliance checks have been undertaken. There are some obvious signs of deterioration such as water ingress and corrosion which will need to be addressed as part of the University's proposed conversion works. The main focus of the project is to convert the building to become the home for the University's social and Applied Sciences and covers the following subjects; • Business • Criminology • Forensics • Journalism & Media • Psychology A general list of work is provided in Appendix B, however, in outline the conversion will consist of providing the following spaces; • Teaching • Laboratories/Research • Student social learning • Academic neighborhood • Potential conferencing facilities
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1 Possible Competitors