Marine rocky habitat Ecological Groups and their sensitivity to pressures associated with human activities.
JNCC has previously developed the concept of Ecological Groups in Tillin & Tyler Walters (2014 a,b) where the groups were developed for subtidal sedimentary habitats. Since then the concept of Ecological Groups has been utilised by several work streams within JNCC and as a result there is a need to develop Ecological Groups for other marine habitats. This contract will focus on the creation of Ecological Groups for Subtidal Rock habitats. Recently, as part of a contract let by JNCC to develop Conceptual Ecological Models for Sublittoral Rock habitats (Alexander et al, 2015) five Ecological Groups were identified. Two of the Ecological Groups were further split into sub categories, resulting in a list of 7 groups: •Macroalgae •Temporarily or permanently attached active filter feeders •Temporarily or permanently attached passive filter feeders •Bivalves, brachiopods and other encrusting fauna •Tube building fauna •Scavengers and predatory fauna •Non-predatory mobile fauna The method for defining Ecological Groups used by Alexander et al (2015) was similar but not identical to the method developed in Tillin & Tyler-Walters (2014). Alexander et al (2015) focused on developing Ecological Groups based on ecological function, whereas Tillin & Tyler-Walters (2014a) based groups upon sensitivity response. As a result certain traits which were used in Tillin & Tyler-Walters (2014a) in order to identify ecological groups were considered not relevant for identifying ecological function, and therefore were not used within Alexander et al (2015). As this contract will focus on sensitivity, it will be necessary for further steps to be taken to consider additional traits in order to ensure the Ecological Groups developed by Alexander et al (2015), and listed above, adequately reflect sensitivity.
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