Market Data Services
The UK Infrastructure Bank ("UKIB") is a government-owned policy bank, focused on increasing infrastructure investment across the United Kingdom. UKIB is providing £22bn of infrastructure finance to tackle climate change and support regional and local economic growth across the UK. UKIB invests across the infrastructure landscape, including in new infrastructure technologies. UKIB has five priority sectors for investment, namely clean energy, storage, transport, digital, waste and water and including UKIB's key sub sectors of focus, namely:-Short duration energy storage;-Hydrogen;-Carbon capture, usage and storage;-Electric Vehicle charging-Zero emission buses;-Heat networks;-Port infrastructure for floating offshore wind;-Other clean energy such as solar and tidal.Key to UKIB's work is having timely access to market data and related analytics, research, news and information so as to make informed investment decisions and ultimately achieve our strategic objectives.UKIB is currently reviewing its existing market data subscriptions and undertaking an exercise to identify gaps in coverage and/or access as well as opportunities for rationalisation. The outcome will inform our procurement pipeline for market data services In parallel with this exercise, UKIB wishes to engage with potential suppliers of market data services (including suppliers who are able to provide a managed service / subscription management service for market and reference data), as further described in Section VI.3 below.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors