Market Engagement - ScotRail Train Stock Allocation System
The allocation of our available rolling stock to diagrams by the Train Service Delivery Managers (TSDM’s) at the start of the day and during disruption is a critical process for daily operational performance on Scotland’s Railway. ScotRail are formulating a rail operations systems strategy and intend to review the market and choose a long-term combination of systems as we look to modernise operations and prepare for the introduction of new rolling stock and further electrification. ScotRail operate c2,400 services a day Monday – Saturday with this reducing on a Sunday. The operations control centre has 15 separate desks which would be utilising the system 24/7. The 15 separate desks would require instant access concurrently. The requirement will be c70 users in total across various shifts [although flexibility to increase the user numbers would be required]. ScotRail are looking to conduct market engagement to understand the capabilities of potential suppliers and understand which systems are in the market which have the functionality to: - Receive planning exports from train planning systems and maintaining a database of services. - Receive crew updates from Rostering systems and maintain a database of them. - Maintain a database of rolling stock and their positions. - Allow TSDM’s to allocate stock and to diagrams. - Track rolling stock mileages and update fleet management systems to ensure maintenance plans are kept up to date. This market engagement will shape our future systems strategy and specification. For the first stage of market engagement, we are looking to engage with suppliers who have an existing system which supports these broad requirements or who are in the stages of developing a system which will be able to support these requirements and will be live in the coming years. ScotRail invites suppliers to complete a short questionnaire providing information on their relevant experience and capabilities, this can be accessed on our e-sourcing portal ScotRail will review the information provided and intend to engage further with suppliers who have the relevant experience and existing systems to support these broad requirements
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
48100000 - Industry specific software package
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors