Market Research Services Framework
The BBC has awarded a Framework Agreement for the delivery of Market Research Services. The Framework Agreement is divided into 3 separate Lots.Tenderers bid individually for either Lot 1a, Lot 1b or Lot 2 or a combination of them, where they met the Minimum Standards.The following includes the expected total value of spend for each Lot on the Framework Agreement, for the full Term (48 months).Lot 1a Continuous Tracking Studies Research - This Lot is targeted at meeting the BBC’s most complex and strategic media sector research requirements, integrating behavioural (use and consumption) and perception (experience / satisfaction) and applying a leading edge of technological development in data collection and processing and brand tracking studies. Total value of £42,100,000.Lot 1b Bespoke Audience Research Projects - This Lot is targeted at research studies that provide insight into people’s usage of and attitudes to media products and services, drawing on input from a range of different demographic groups and geographical regions, including the requirement to sample harder to reach, niche and diverse audiences within any methodology. Total value of £6,520,000.Lot 2 Children and Education Research - This Lot is targeted at research studies that provide insight into how children discover our content, how children find and consume media and who is influential in helping them choose. Total value of £1,380,000.NB – the total values are not committed spend, and are therefore only an expectation of spend that could be made through the Framework Agreement.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79310000 - Market research services
Status :
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High Value :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors