Market Warming Event for Victim Voice Forum Facilitator
MOPAC is holding a market engagement event with the intention of going out to tender in future to appoint an external partner to facilitate and expand the engagement activities for our victims voice forum. Please email us at: to provide your name, role and organisation name, if you would like to attend our online event to be held on 21st February 2PM to 3PM. -------------------- The Casey Review highlighted significant issues with the service the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) provides to victims of crime. In response to the Casey Review, the MPS End to End Victim Care Improvement Programme needs to hear from individuals with lived experience to shape and review the content and priorities of the Programme. The MPS and MOPAC jointly established an initial Victim Voice Forum (VVF) in Autumn 2023. The Forum has enabled volunteers with lived experience to shape the work of the MPS and MOPAC to improve the service and support that victims receive. Following the success of this initial VVF, MOPAC is now working with the MPS to establish VVFs for cohorts identified by Casey as having low trust in the MPS - Black communities, women and girls, young people and LGBTQ+ people. MOPAC is considering appointing an external partner to facilitate and expand its engagement activities with these cohorts. The Provider would need to coordinate and potentially source participants from the cohorts mentioned. We would expect the Provider to: - Undertake an administration and secretariat function for the VVF. - Source, book and pay for accessible venues which are open to all victims of crime and forums that are specific for Black communities, young people, LGBTQ+ people, and women and girls. - Ensure that victims of crime have access to on-site support during forum meetings. - Coordinate and book interpreters for participants if required. - Coordinate forum dates and times with participants, the MPS and MOPAC. - Organise and distributing incentives for participants. - Organise refreshments/catering for participants, appropriate for session length. - Develop Terms of Reference, manage safeguarding and consents and ensure the forums are trauma-informed spaces. - Develop and present topics to keep participants focused. - Provide feedback to MOPAC and MPS. - Signpost participants to relevant ongoing support. - In addition to the regular forums, to act as a facilitator to additional consultations with victims on specific topics around twice a year. We are undertaking this early market engagement to help shape the specification of this opportunity and how partners will be expected to operate. Should we decide to tender an opportunity, it is anticipated any contract would have a minimum duration of three years with a possible extension of up to two further years. The indicative value of a potential opportunity is £100,000 per annum. Consortia or partnership/ sub-contracting bids are welcomed, with an established lead provider.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors