Marketing agency support - 21st Century schools programme, Western Balkans
Description: 21st Century Schools programme in Western Balkan is a 36 month programme supporting up to one million 10-15 year olds across the Western Balkans with, coding, critical thinking and problem solving skills. This Programme is covering six Western Balkans, i.e. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo and it will involve all primary schools in the Western Balkan. The programme will address in parallel multiple constraints that prevent primary school students from developing their critical thinking, problem solving and coding skills, and work to create an enabling environment across Western Balkan countries to foster those skills amongst students. To accomplish that, the programme will expose teachers to a training programme that incorporates several evidence-based features of effective professional development (practice orientation, practical application and ongoing support through mentoring, online resources and peer networks), and enable them to effectively teach critical thinking, problem solving and coding skills in the classroom. Further, the programme will target school leaders to enhance their capacities to lead, promote and implement critical thinking, problem solving and coding skills across the curriculum in their schools. In addition, the programme will work with national policy-makers across the Western Balkans countries, to ensure they encourage schools to take up the training and, where needed, support the introduction of critical thinking, problem solving and coding skills in schools with relevant policy changes (curriculum reform, teacher continuous professional development policy, etc). And lastly, the programme will provide schools with resources to effectively teach coding skills to students.
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CPV Codes
79413000 - Marketing management consultancy services
79342000 - Marketing services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors