
Materiel Strategy - MatStrat0003 - MSP2 - Management Information / Information Systems.


Information systems or technology strategic review and planning services. Information systems or technology strategic review and planning services.This requirement is part of the DE&S wider Materiel Strategy change programme to transform DE&S into a best-in-class delivery organisation that is appropriately controlled, resourced and has the freedoms to drive the best value for money for Defence and the taxpayer. Under the change programme, the DE&S organisation was established as a Bespoke Central Government Trading Entity within the public sector on 1.4.2014, with new management freedoms and controls that are appropriate to its challenges and the specialist nature of its business. Contracts were let in November last year for DE&S Managed Service Providers Work Package 1 (Project Delivery) and Work Package 3 (Human Resources). This requirement relates to Work Package 2 (Management Information / Information Technology).The intended outcome of Work Package 2 is to ensure that the Management Information produced and used within DE&S is trusted within DE&S, across Defence, and by both suppliers and customers. The role of the Work Package 2 Managed Service Provider is to:1.) define and implement a Management Information Strategy and Information Systems Strategy that is based on DE&S Management Information needs and key Information Technology capabilities, as informed by the Work Package 1 and Work Package 3 Managed Service Providers, and is appropriate for a ‘Match-Fit' project delivery organisation;2.) act as a customer friend to DE&S, working with internal stakeholders, the Work Package 1 and Work Package 3 Managed Service Providers, other Government Departments, and suppliers as appropriate to help DE&S to adapt existing Information Systems and / or purchase and integrate new information systems to deliver the agreed Management Information Strategy and Information Systems Strategy.BackgroundDE&S performs a vital, bespoke and challenging role in the support of national security: it equips and supports the UK's Armed Forces for operations now and in future. In procuring and supporting new military equipment, commodities and services, supporting in-service equipment through life and managing global logistic operations, DE&S is responsible for delivering some of the most complex products and services in the world covering approximately 14 000 000 000 GBP per annum of the MOD's total third party spend with industry. DE&S employs a mix of civil servants and military personnel, plus contractor staff to perform specialist roles and its internal workforce of over 12 500 personnel (as at 1.4.2015) is deployed at over 150 locations in the UK and overseas. The bulk of the workforce, however, is located on several main operating sites, with the majority based at the main acquisition hub at Abbey Wood, Bristol.DE&S activities range from the provision and support of complex equipments, such as nuclear submarines and combat aircraft, through the provision of global logistic operations in hostile environments, to the provision and support of high volume, low value items such as clothing and commodities such as fuel and food. This often involves innovative technologies, complex safety assessments, sophisticated supply chains and a mix of sourcing strategies. The outputs from DE&S are used by the UK's Armed Forces in uncertain environments and operational roles that are subject to changing demands.DE&S's role therefore demands best-in-class business capabilities and standards that need to be suitable for a wide range of types of products and services, of widely varying value, complexity, uncertainty/risk and criticality/priority.RequirementsPotential Providers should note that the DE&S has already appointed MSPs for two other Work Packages – Work Package 1, Project Delivery to transform and improve the operation of its project delivery capability and Work Package 3, Human Resources to build and embed its Human Resource management capability and to support Transformation. The DE&S is the integrator for the work of all MSPs but each of the MSPs contributes personnel to a ‘Rainbow' Team whose role it is to oversee the strategic change for DE&S.Work Package 2 is interdependent with Work Package 1 and Work Package 3; and will support both the requirements of Work Package 1 (e.g. enabling the provision of programme information or the interim provision of key Management Information staff to enable world-class project management) and those of Work Package 3 (e.g. enabling the provision of trusted Human Resource information). Work Package 2 will be supported in some areas by the other Work Packages (e.g. Work Packages 1 and 3 will together define how staff (including the Information Systems and Technology Function) will be best managed across the business).The scope of Work Package 2 extends to providing advice on any information, systems and tools required for DE&S to operate but will not replace or subsume any extant agreements that the DE&S has for existing information systems. It excludes the provision of any major new systems or tools for DE&S although there may be limited scope for the Work Package 2 Managed Service Provider to provide and / or develop tools which are central to delivering the requirement and subject to internal DE&S and wider Government rules.In summary the Work Package 2 Managed Services Provider will be contracted to deliver the following requirements for DE&S:1.1 A Management Information Strategy;1.2 An Information Systems Strategy and associated Information and Technology Architecture;1.3 A costed and resourced Implementation Plan to deliver the Management Information and Information Systems Strategy;1.4 Identify and support delivery of early wins;1.5 Act as a Customer Friend;1.6 Improve the Business Intelligence Maturity Level;1.7 Provide Key Personnel; and1.8 Provide a Reach-back facility.


Published Date :

2nd May 2015 9 years ago

Deadline :


Contract Start :


Contract End :


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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

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Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors