Measuring Financial Capability of Children Aged 4-6: Testing at Small Scale
As part of the Money and Pensions Service's (MaPS) strategic function, MasPS works with partners across the UK to improve the provision of financial education for children and young people. MaPS funds the delivery of financial education programs across the UK to test and promote what works to improve children and young people's financial wellbeing. MaPS requires a supplier to assist finding a model for the assessment and measurement of financial capability and 'meaningful financial education' in children aged between four to six years. This project will help to develop questions to measure financial capability in this age group, which will lead onto MaPS being able to commission work to measure at scale in this age group. The results of this work will help MaPS make the case for the importance of starting young on the journey to financial wellbeing and target further interventions and programs to improve financial capability to those children most in need in this age group.
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73110000 - Research services
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1 Possible Competitors