Measuring the Value and Impact of Wales’ presence at the Venice Biennale for the Visual Arts Sector
Arts Council of Wales wishes to invite Tenders for the supply of services in respect of:A research report and evaluative study Measuring the Value and Impact of Wales’ Presence at the Venice Biennale for the Visual Arts Sector in Wales.Arts Council of Wales’s detailed requirements are defined in the Specification (see Part 1 Section 3 of this document).The overall aim of commissioning a research report and evaluative study focusing on measuring the value and impact of Wales’ presence at the Venice Biennale is to review the ways this significant investment delivers value for the arts and particularly the visual arts sector and assess any developmental indicators for the future. The report should provide an overall evaluation of the strategic importance of Wales’s presence in the context of the Biennale and what other international arenas may be important in the future.The Potential Provider must submit their Tender to the offices of Arts Council of Wales, Bute Place, Cardiff CF10 5AL,or via email to no later than 12 noon, Monday 16 November 2015 for receipt of Tender.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors