Mech Works at St Michaels HFSS - Mechanical Works (Water Tanks Replacement) at St Michaels Holy Faith Secondary School
St Michael’s Holy Faith, which is located in Dublin 11, consists of one 3-storey School Building and one 2-storey building. The buildings were built circa 100 years ago & 30 years ago respectively and the approximate area of the School Building is 4,700m².Within the 3-storey building, there are 3no. existing water tanks. 2no. water tanks are 1.8 meter wide by 1.3 meter long by 1 meter high and 1no. water tank which is 2 meter wide by 1.7 meter long by 1 meter high.Within the 2-storey building, there are 4no. existing water tanks which are 2 meter wide by 2.5 meter long by 1.5 meter high.In the Sports Hall there is 1 No Tank, 2m by 2m by 1 meter high.The scope of the works will be as follows:•Decommissioning, stripping out and removal from site of the existing water storage tanks (8 No.) for the building. The water storage tanks are galvanised steel, the Contractor shall allow for cutting and dismantling the tanks. The water tanks are located on the second/third-floor roof area of the building where access is restricted from the internal area of the building. •Decommissioning, stripping out and removal from site the existing water services pipework to and from the existing water tanks. All of the existing internal water services pipework shall be retained and reused. •Supply and Installation of new structural steel and suitable condens drip tray.•Supply and installation of 8 No. Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) water tanks in replacement of the existing steel water tanks. This water tanks shall be located in the same location where the existing tanks are. •Supply and installation of 3 new cold-water booster sets. This cold-water booster set shall pressurise the new cold-water services pipework to ensure there is adequate pressure for the existing WC, WHB etc in the building.•Re-routing of the existing water services pipework to suit the layout of the new external water tanks. •Re-routing of overflow and drip tray drain to external.•Insulation of the existing and new water se
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
44611500 - Water tanks
45351000 - Mechanical engineering installation works
50712000 - Repair and maintenance services of mechanical building installations
45350000 - Mechanical installations
51100000 - Installation services of electrical and mechanical equipment
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors