Mechanical Engineering Services for Reactive Repair & Minor Works
North Wales Police seek the services of an experienced and qualified contractor who will be able to provide a reactive cover for our boiler/heating systems across the region and to also work with North Wales Fire & Rescue Service; the contractor will need to be on call and be able to react to 24/7 callouts from our facilities team. Comprising of approximately 60 police stations and 50 fire stations. 1.Gas boilers 2.Heating system 3.Heating controls 4.Commercial pipework 5.Ventilation systems 6.Air Conditioning Only those suppliers that can fully meet the requirements of the specification will be considered. The contractor shall hold a minimum of a "Service Level" membership to SFG20. The contract commencement date is to be advised later and will, once awarded, run for a period of 2 years, with the option within the contract to extend +1+1+1 if both parties are happy with the performance provided. Cytundeb ar gyfer atgyweirio adweithiol a mân waith cynnal a chadw ar gyfer gwasanaethau adeiladu peirianneg mecanyddol Mae Heddlu Gogledd Cymru yn chwilio am wasanaeth contractwr profiadol efo cymwysterau perthnasol bydd yn medru darparu gwasanaeth adweithiol i'n systemau boiler / gwres ledled y rhanbarth ac i weithio efo Gwasanaeth Tan ac Achub Gogledd Cymru. Bydd angen i'r contractwr bod ar gael bob amser ac yn medru ymateb i alwadau oddi wrth ein tîm cyfleusterau. Mae o gwmpas 60 gorsaf heddlu a 50 gorsaf tân. 1.Boileri nwy 2.System Wresogi 3.Rheolaethau gwresogi 4.Gwaith peipiau masnachol 5.Systemau awyru 6.System oeri'r aer Dim ond y cyflenwyr hynny a all ateb gofynion y fanyleb yn llawn a fydd yn cael eu hystyried. Dylai bod gan y contractwr yn dal o leiaf aelodaeth lefel gwasanaeth i SFG20. Hysbysir am ddyddiad dechrau'r cytundeb yn hwyrach. Unwaith caiff ei ddyfarnu, bydd yn rhedeg am gyfnod o 2 flynedd, efo'r dewis o fewn y cytundeb i ymestyn +1+1+1 os ydy'r ddwy ochr yn hapus gyda'r cyflawniad a ddarperir. Mae gwybodaeth bellach a dogfenna
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors