Medically Managed Inpatient Detoxification for people with drug and or alcohol problems
The aim of the service is to provide medically managed inpatient alcohol and drug detoxification to residents of the local authority areas which comprise a consortium of commissioners, referred to through the tender documents as the 'WM Consortium'. The WM Consortium is provisionally comprised of the 14 local authority areas in the West Midlands. The precise composition of the WM Consortium may be subject to change. The WM Consortium is seeking to appoint a Provider that will have three core responsibilities: - Delivery of detoxification services - Coordination of sub-contracted providers of services. The Provider and sub-contractors will comprise the Provider Partnership. - Management of referrals pathways from and to drug/alcohol treatment providers in the WM Consortium areas. The Provider will sub-contract the delivery of some services to other organisations, in order to create a 'Provider Partnership' that will meet the demand for services from the WM Consortium and to minimise any inequity of access that could be possible given the geographic size of the WM Consortium. The funding for these services has been allocated from Public Health England and is only guaranteed for an initial period to 30th June 2022. However, there are potential extension options built in should the funding be extended.
Published Date :
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Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors