Medite 2022 - EPP 4 - Medite Europe DAC are seeking expressions of interest for Suitably Qualified Companies to Design and Supply a Wet Fuel Handling System
MEDITE Europe DAC is planning an upgrade to their Line 1 Energy and Drying system. Part of this upgrade includes the upgrade and automating of their fuel handling systems. Medite has two sources of fuel, wet- fuel and dry fuel. This PQQ relates to the design and supply of equipment for upgrading and automating both Line 1 and Line 2 wet fuel handling systems. The wet fuel consists of a combination of wet bark and other wood residuals produced on site plus other residuals delivered from other wood processing facilities. Currently the bark is collected in a waste conveyor system and discharged on the ground through the use of a radial stacker. The off-site fuel is delivered by truck and deposited in this same area. These materials then have to be reclaimed by mobile equipment and transferred to either the Line 1 or Line 2 Energy System infeed systems. The plan for the new system is to still have provision for depositing fuel onto the ground and reclaiming it with mobile equipment, but for the majority of the time, it is intended to collect and transport all fuel sources into designated storage bunkers which can discharge and blend a mixture of the various types of fuels into conveyor systems which will transport the fuel directly to the energy system infeeds. The bark will still be collected on site and transferred to an optionally new radial stacker. As noted previously, this stacker has the ability to discharge onto the ground, but it will have the provision to discharge directly into a conveyor system which will transfer the material to a dedicated storage bunker. This conveyor system is to include a reclaim hopper for introducing any bark that was deposited onto the ground into the conveyor system leading to the dedicated bark storage bunker.
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1 Possible Competitors