Medite 2022 # 8 - Medite RFT for Supply & install of a Stainless Steel Storage Tank '22
Medite Europe DAC are seeking suitably qualified companies to Supply and Install a 60,000L Insulated Stainless Steel Tank and relevant fittings. Please see the FR Storage & Transfer System Scope Doc attached for more details. Any works that cannot take place while the line is operational can be installed on our maintenance days when our line is down for approx. 8hrs every two weeks.All piping spools and supports should be prefabricated with only installation taking place onsite.It should be noted from the outset that some works may have to take place outside of normal working hours, i.e., evenings & weekends.The successful tenderer shall be required to act as Project Supervisor Construction Stage (PSCS) as per the requirements of the relevant health & safety legislation.The following safety information is enclosed to facilitate tenderers: - •Preliminary Health & Safety Plan prepared by PSDP in accordance with Safety, Health, and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013,The works comprise briefly of the following:•Works as described in the attached document “FR Storage and Transfer System Scope Document”•Works as per Medite Drawings and Specifications.o202363-057-22-01-GA01 Rev T1o202363-057-22-02-P01 Rev To202363-057-22-03-PID01 Rev To202363-057-22-04-VALVE-LISTo202363-057-22-05-HAITIMA-2013o202363-057-22-06-HAITIMA-2052Ao202363-057-22-07-HAITIMA-2028o202363-057-22-08-HAITIMA-2012CDo202363-057-22-09-CSE-NRVo202363-057-22-10-HAITIMA-2027Fo202363-057-22-11-HECO-STRAINERo202363-057-22-12-2057C-Bo202363-057-22-13-RS-PLUGo202363-057-22-14-ACTREG-ACTUATORo202363-057-22-15-IFM-E12724o202363-057-22-16-IFM-IN5225o202363-057-22-17-SIEBEC-M140o202363-057-22-18-SIEBEC-M390o202363-057-22-19-AP01 Rev T1o202363-057-22-20-AP02 Rev T1Limitations on Contractors Working Conditions Contractors shall note that the entirety of these works will take place within a live operating Manufacturing Plant and Contractors will be required t
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
44610000 - Tanks, reservoirs, containers and pressure vessels.
44611000 - Tanks.
44611410 - Oil-storage tanks.
45350000 - Mechanical installations.
44611400 - Storage tanks.
45255400 - Fabrication work.
Tenderbase Categories
Tools and Equipment/Fire Protection/ Radiators and Boilers/ Miscellaneous Tools / Reservoirs and Containers
Tools and Equipment/Fire Protection/ Radiators and Boilers/ Miscellaneous Tools / Reservoirs and Containers
Tools and Equipment/Fire Protection/ Radiators and Boilers/ Miscellaneous Tools / Reservoirs and Containers
Maintenance and Services
Tools and Equipment/Fire Protection/ Radiators and Boilers/ Miscellaneous Tools / Reservoirs and Containers
Engineering/ Waste Management/ Pipelines / Telephone and Communication Line/ Roads and Highways/ Railways and Cable Transport/Water Project
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Tender Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors