Medite 2021 - 8 - Pre-Qualification Process for Tender inclusion for the Supply of an MDF Forming Station at Medite Europe DAC
Medite Europe DAC invites expressions of interest for the supply of MDF Forming Station Equipment. Medite requires forming station equipment for both production lines.On Medite’s line 1; 8mm to 40mm product is produced and there is a requirement to enable production of product down to 6mm. The current forming system is a 3-layer system with 3 mechanical forming stations. The equipment supply required is to enable production of product down to 6mm and improve cross panel density performance on the line for all products and cater for continuous pressing lines speeds up to 800 millimetres per second. On Medite’s line 2; 3mm to 18mm product is produced and there is a requirement to enable production of product down to 1.5mm. The current forming system is a single pendistor forming system. The equipment supply required is to enable production of product down to 1.5mm and improve cross panel density performance on the line for all products, reduce energy consumption and reduce maintenance costs and cater for continuous pressing lines speeds up to 1,200 millimetres per second. The equipment must be a proven technology and conform to best practice design principles and all relevant European legislation.It is anticipated that order placement will occur in Q4 2021 with project completion by Q3 2022.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
42000000 - Industrial machinery
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors