Medway NHS Foundation Trust Maternity System.
The Trust has an ambition to be paperless by 2020 and the Women's and Children's Directorate have volunteered to be the first to try and achieve this — this new Maternity Solution will be the first foundation of this ambition.Any potential new solution must give the Trust an opportunity to increase the efficiency and safety of the service we provide, this will be achieved through:Increasing patient engagement by utilising an online portal for maternity notes.Securing a system that allows the creation of a comprehensive electronic record for each woman and birth, allowing us to work towards a number of national guidelines, including the 5 year forward view. The new system will cover both acute and community delivery of service.Increasing patient safety and reducing litigation cases against the Trust by securing an additional CTG algorithm module that allows optimal fetal monitoring.
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48000000 - Software package and information systems.
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1 Possible Competitors