Meet the Buyer's Webinar event - LB Havering Heather Court Redesign & Tender Project
A Meet the Buyer's Webinar event has been scheduled for the Heather Court Redesign & Tender Project as the council would like to share the upcoming plans for this procurement. It is intended the service will be procured in 2021 with a contract start date of 1st April 2022. This is not an invitation to tender. The London Borough of Havering is seeking interest from organisations that are able to manage access for young people aged 16 to 25 years to short term accommodation (up to two years) with targeted support to develop appropriate life skills that will enable them to manage successfully in their own accommodation. We are seeking providers that have their own accommodation/building within Havering and can provide a model of support as described below. The provider should be able to accommodate up to 15 occupants at a time on a license agreement for young people of LAC and non LAC status. The ideal service provider should be able to demonstrate an innovative, creative and flexible approach to delivering targeted support which places the individual at the heart of the process involves individuals in choices about their support and promotes independence, dignity and choice at all times. The kind of things we are looking for may include: •Developing responsibilities around holding a tenancy, paying rent, incorporating an approach around 'good' neighbour issues; •Budgeting, managing money, accessing benefits and addressing debt; •Accessing training, education, volunteering or employment; •Addressing chaotic, offending or anti-social behaviours; •Keeping them safe including safeguarding against the dangers of substance misuse, sexual exploitation, abuse, etc.; •Improving daily living skills such as cooking, meal planning, healthy eating, laundry, cleaning, etc.; •Developing a culture whereby service users value independence and acquire the skills to sustain independent living. We are inviting individual organisations, partnerships or consortia to attend this Meet the Buyer's Event. Service Commissioners will provide a webinar to update the market about the strategic vision. Details of organisations attending the Events will be shared with everyone attending as well as published with Invitation to Tender documents. This is to allow organisations an opportunity to network and/or form partnerships in order to provide the Council's Supported Living and associated services. Organisations will also be given the opportunity to ask commissioners any questions. All questions and answers will be shared with attendees of the Events. Estimated Value 747 000 GBP for 5 years (+ additional 298 800 GBP for 2 years). You are invited to attend a Meet the Buyer webinar event to be held as follows: •Wednesday 20th May 2021 at 10am. Link to the event will be sent to you when registration form is received. •Please complete and return the registration form to by noon on Tuesday 19th May 2021
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
55210000 - Youth hostel services
85300000 - Social work and related services
55250000 - Letting services of short-stay furnished accommodation
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors