Merchants House, Royal Wootton Bassett, Proposed Internal and external repairs and alterations to the grade II listed building
The main element of the project are as follows: -Replacement of 2no UPVC windows with traditional timber casements -Repairs to roofs including replacement of areas of damaged tiling, replacement rainwater goods, roof lights and flashings. An existing flat roof is to be recovered with GRP membrane. -Repointing areas of external walls and rebuilding sections of walls over damaged lintels. -Repairs to existing roof structure and insulating roof space. -Decorating internally and externally -Landscaping to rear yard including, decorating, paving, fencing and improvements to drains. -Alterations to the existing electrical system. -Sound proofing to be installed in upper floor. -Prior to the works commencing samples panels of re-pointing and a brick panel need to be constructed for approval by the conservation officer. -The appointed contractor will be responsible for scaffolding erected on public footpaths and the necessary licenses
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1 Possible Competitors