MERCURY Market Interest Day_PIN_CF
This notice is not associated with any procurement activity and is solely for the purposes of running a Market Interest Day (MID) for PROGRAMME MERCURY. The British Army presents MERCURY; a catalyst for 2035 Science and Technology challenges and beyond, to industry today: enabling Army- wide transformation. By identifying and developing 'generation-after-next' technologies and capabilities, MERCURY will ensure enduring operational advantage against the challenges outlined within the Land Operating Concept. MERCURY is to be a transformational programme, we seek to: (1) Collaborate across divers suppliers to solve Army S&T 2035+ challenges with Industry today. (2) Identify and develop generation-after-next capability solutions while drives opportunities for UK Industry and economy. (3) Enable Army's modernisation as outlined in the Land Industry Strategy (LIS) and defined in the Land Operating Concept. Growing and diversifying supply chain opportunities is at the heart of the Army's LIS, and it is recognised that markets with a broad range of suppliers of different types, including SMEs and Academic Institutions can offer better value for money, promote innovative solutions, and give Defence services access to expertise and knowledge on complex issues. MERCURY is committed to working with all suppliers to support this new and novel strategy, ensuring that we deliver the very best Value for Money service in support of Defence. More about MERCURY in our Newsletter. Link below. It is our intention to hold a MID on the 6 July 2023 to discuss MERCURY'S approach to 2035 Capability Challenges, launch of our Communities of Interest (COI), Commercial activity, our key priorities, and our expectations of suppliers that we collaborate with. MERCURY will also use the opportunity to gather intelligence from providers which may influence and inform the programme's technical and commercial approach and opportunity to shape the programme processes and commercial strategy and wider opportunities. The MID will be the formal launch of our COI to support in the shaping of the Capability Challenge Problem Set, 2035 Roadmap, and subsequent Capability Challenge Pipeline Statement of Requirement in preparation for our framework launch. MERCURY encourages Industry, Academia and S&T partners to register their interest to attend this event in order to join relevant COIs. This session will be a conference style face to face event, and broadcast via Microsoft teams, with an interactive means to answer questions via Slido. All questions gathered throughout the day will be answered and distributed after the event. Please register your interest through our Microsoft Teams form by Monday 19th June 2023 through Mercury Market Interest Day Registration. An invite will be sent out two weeks prior to the event confirming further details and the location (requiring review after unprecedented demand). This will also include the agenda for the day, and the Microsoft Teams Link.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Buyer Information
Address :
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Procurement Contact
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Designation :
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Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors