MET POLICE__COUPA EVENT #268 Supply & Delivery of new RHIBS via ITT Open Procedure
On behalf of the contracting authority, Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) is seeking through this tender opportunity to invite potential Suppliers to directly manufacture, supply and deliver up to three new RHIBS in accordance with MPS specifications and that of the final solutions provided in the Tenderer's response.The successful supplier will be responsible for managing and controlling the complete supply chain from RHIB manufacture through to the supply and delivery. The three (3) new RHIBS will be required to be delivered over three consecutive years - RHIB 1 - 2022-2023, RHIB 2 - 2023-2024 and RHIB 3 - 2024-2025. A three stage payment plan will operate (as per the specification) for each RHIB.The MPS may require a fourth RHIB (RHIB 4) during the contract duration however this purchase is not guaranteed and will be seen as a spot buy.For this procurement the MPS/Authority have applied a ceiling contract value for the three RHIBS (this value does not include the optional 4th RHIB) therefore and as part of the commercial evaluation potential Tenderer's must bid within the ceiling contract value - £2,901,000 for three new RHIBS.The award notice (following a successful award) shall reflect the 4th RHIB value together with the contract value for the three RHIBS to allow a spot buy purchase of a fourth RHIB against the contracted bid price submitted in the successful tenderer's ITT.Those Tenderer's submitting price bids that exceed the ceiling contract value (for three (3) RHIBS) will be rejected from the ITT in its entirety, the MPS decision is final.The weighting applied to the procurement for the new RHIBS is as follows: 40% SoR Compliance and Technical File, 10% Project Specific Questions, Design and Concept and Aesthetics, 10% Social Value and Sustainability, 40% Pricing. Total 100%. All Tenderer's will be ranked using combined scores across all evaluated sections (not just price). Bids will be evaluated against MEAT.The tender contains a number of Pass/Fail questions including in a form of Screening Questions. Potential Tenderer's are advised and encouraged to fully review the Statement of Requirements (SoR) before making a decision to bid.The MPS/Authority shall be awarding a contract for an initial period of 36 months with the option to extend for a further 12 months.The ITT will be conducted via the PCR 2015 Open procedure hosted on the MPS e-Tendering platform, Coupa.Potential suppliers wishing to participate in this ITT opportunity and view all/any associated documents are invited to register via the following link copy and paste the link into your internet browser)The Coupa Sourcing Event reference is 268. Please search for this event reference.The MPS/Authority without liability will reserve the right to make any changes necessary to any tender documentation whilst in publication. Any changes made will be communicated accordingly via the Coupa portal.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
34511100 - Marine patrol vessels
34521300 - Police patrol boats
34521000 - Specialised boats
98360000 - Marine services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors