MH 0073 - Water Hygiene Maintenance, Thermostatic Mixer Valve (TMV) Servicing Remedial Works and Reactive Repairs and Risk Assessments Contract - AWARD
The Contract is split into Two (2) Lots, Contractors can bid for both Lots but cannot be awarded both. Following evaluation of the compliant Tenders Midland Heart shall determine which profile of lot award demonstrates the most economically advantageous outcome and which top ranked Contractor will be awarded each Lot. Lot 1 - will cover the provision of legionella maintenance for Monitoring, Sampling and Cleaning of Water Systems. The servicing and maintenance of Thermostatic Mixer Valves including all required remedial works. The servicing and remedial works of unvented cylinders, sewage and booster pumps. Please see Schedule 1 - Lot 1 Specification for full detail. Lot 2 - is to provide Midland Heart with Risk Assessments. The risk assessment shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of HSE ACoP L8, HSG 274 Part 2, HSG 282 and British Standard BS 8580-1. When assessing the risk of exposure to Legionella bacteria, consideration shall be given as to the potential for: a) Legionella to seed, survive and grow in the water system; b) aerosol generation and exposure; and c) the presence, numbers and susceptibility of people who may be exposed The Contractor will be required to review the effectiveness of control measures and management arrangements in preventing or controlling these risks. It is the policy of Midland Heart that all water systems shall be risk assessed a minimum of every two years and when there is reason to believe that the original risk assessment may no longer be valid. Please see Schedule 1 - Lot 2 Specification for full detail.
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Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
90733400 - Surface water treatment services
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors