Mid Notts Community Pain Management Service
The aim of the Community Pain Management Service (CPMS) will be to deliver high quality care to patients in a variety of appropriate community settings to improve the quality of life for patients experiencing chronic pain and chronic fatigue syndrome. The service will provide a multi-disciplinary interface service between primary care, other community services and secondary care. The Community Pain Management service will: -Provide a bio-psychosocial approach to the management of pain or chronic fatigue syndrome, in line with national guidance, which utilises evidence based interventions including education, physical and psychological and pharmacological therapies through a single point of access -Support other providers of pain management care including GPs, community pharmacists and providers of mental health and other equivalent support services through education and advice -Deliver a service aligned to national guidelines for chronic fatigue symptom, including the delivery of Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and/or graded exercise therapy (GET). -Act as a single point of access for patients with chronic pain or chronic fatigue symptom providing an integrated and coherent patient journey regardless of provider. -Provide a management approach for patients with chronic pain or chronic fatigue symptom to include psychological and physical interventions, using a pain management programme where appropriate -Use primarily evidence based interventions for chronic pain management. -Support patients living with chronic pain or chronic fatigue syndrome and their nominated carers to manage their own condition and make decisions about self-care and treatment that allow them to live as independently as possible e.g. through Shared Decision Making, including managing patient expectations -Engage with local patient groups to develop a mid Notts community group for patients with persistent, long standing chronic pain and provide a supported self-care strategy. -Educate carers to continue care and support (where appropriate) learnt through the service post discharge -Educate and support other care professionals in the early intervention of pain management techniques
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CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors