Mids - EcoSF3 Lot 4 - Church Wilne Fish Passage Phase 1 OBC
The Environment Agency is reviewing options to remove or modify a weir at Church Wilne (NR SK 43800 31600) to improve fish passage and improve the natural function of the River Derwent. The weir is currently redundant operationally due to a new acoustic gauge recently constructed downstream. The weir is a 27m wide Flat V gauging weir with approximately 1m head drop at low flows. This call off contract is to deliver Phase 1 of the works which will take the project through to Outline Business Case (OBC) completion. Phase 2 will then follow on from Phase 1 with a new call off contract to take the project through to detailed design and FBC completion. This includes the handover of all Phase 1 deliverables in accordance to the BIM Execution Plan to enable Phase 2 to commence. The preferred option will need to be determined through a high level cost assessment of the existing short list of options with removal being the optimal fish passage solution. An outline design is to be produced of the preferred option. The successful Contractor will be required to work alongside a construction contractor appointed by the EA for Early Supplier Engagement (ESE) that will assist with the costs assessment and buildability of the preferred option.
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1 Possible Competitors