Midwives' morale
NHS England and NHS Improvement is looking to procure a package that can offer immediate support (all delivered by March 2022) to 400 midwifery leaders. Tackling work related stress and burnout is a priority and a focus for this specialised area of healthcare that is in need of specific support that will understand the midwifery pressures and priorities, including the pressures in retention. This package should deliver a pool of resources for leaders to look after their own wellbeing and as result increase their capacity in addressing ongoing burdens. The package should contain: oAccess to online programme for optimal state of mind for personal, practice and organisational wellbeing. This must include the provision of well-being education and support in a replicable and scalable format. Midwifery leadership coaching from practitioners and legacy midwife leaders to support well-being, leadership and internal flow down of well-being support. oSessions that participants will process through with main video and a range of supporting content that allows further exploration) and online-coaching conversation oVirtual support sessions alongside midwifery leaders for further insight and share practice-based considerations. oCo-design and facilitation of a midwifery regional communities of practice for midwifery leaders to transform the health and wellbeing needs of their teams. oFacilitated sessions oMidwifery compassionate leadership practice and resources oEDI awareness and leadership approaches oProgramme evaluation and development work to inform a sustainable model of support oEvaluation leadership and management oPre and post survey development and circulation oQualitative data collection, transcription and analysis oDissemination The budget for this work is £200k and the timeline of complete delivery is March 2022.
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CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors