Minds in Gwent Merger Support and Consultancy
2.2.Mind Monmouthshire, Newport Mind, Torfaen and Blaenau Gwent Mind are now looking for organisations or individual consultants to provide independent specialist expertise and additional capacity to support the respective organisations to merge by 31st of March 2023.2.3.The successful tenderer will be expected to2.3.1.Devise a comprehensive project plan in conjunction with the merger implementation group to effect the merger by 31st of March 2023. The merger implementation group consists of the CEOs and Chairs of the Boards of Directors of the three local Minds involved.2.3.2.Taking into account the needs, interrelationships and timelines of various stakeholders in the development of the project plan including:-oPeople with mental health problems being provided with servicesoStaff of each organisation particularly in relation to consultation and notification rights around TUPEoFunders including local authorities, the health board, grant funders such as Comic Relief, Children in Need and the National LotteryoThe solicitors commissioned to advise on specific aspects of the project such as transfer of assets , human resources and TUPE,oMind the national charity particularly in connection with the name change and the change of Memorandum and Articles of AssociationoThe Charity Commission and Companies House.oAuditors2.3.3.Draw up a project plan with an accompanying Gantt chart in conjunction with the merger implementation group as well as through discussions with individual group members and other stakeholders where appropriate that details how:-oThe respective organisations move from the current situation to merging within the time frame, identifying the necessary actions required to merge and identifying actions that will be required immediately post-merger.oThe name of new organisation will be confirmed and process to effect change with national Mind detailed.oThe Memorandum and Articles of Association for Newport Mind will be amended and updated to reflect the realities of the merged organisation, outlining a process for the completion and adoption of the new Memorandum and Articles of Association prior to, or at merger.oTUPE issues will be identified, discussed and progressed within the respective organisations outlining the process for smooth transfer of staff in a timely manner to the new merged organisation.oA list of fixed assets and liabilities for the respective organisations is agreed and drawn up (properties, pension liabilities, subsidiary organisation etc.) detailing the process, legal advice required and timelines for the efficient transfer to the new merged organisation.oA shadow board will be developed for the new organisation in readiness to take over strategic responsibility at the point of merger ensuring that the new board has the right mix of knowledge, skills and abilities to support the new organisation.oThe new organisation will operate developing a short, mid and long term operating structure for the new organisation being aware of TUPE and taking into account the likely changes at CEO level and the needs of the services.oA risk register will be developed to detailing how any risks associated with the merger will be identified and recorded alongside the development of appropriate plans and actions to mitigate, reduce or remove any risks identified.2.3.4.Have responsibility for keeping the project plan on track and to time, coordinating, liaising and communicating effectively with all relevant internal and external stakeholders to make sure this happens.2.3.5.Provide regular updates to the merger implementation group on progress as well as any delays, problems or challenges working to find solutions and ensuring that the project remains on time.
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85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors