Minor Eye Conditions
The service should provide for the assessment and treatment of a number of eye care conditions in the community and be provided by accredited local ophthalmic practitioners who have a range of equipment to facilitate detailed examination of the eye, as well as the specialist knowledge and skill. The service will be accessed by patients direct from the local ophthalmic practitioner, either by: • self-referral to the service via local signposting ("self-referral") • attending a GP or Pharmacist who recommends attendance and treatment ("GP or Pharmacist referral") • an ophthalmic practitioner may refer a patient to themselves for a MECS assessment if the patient and their condition fulfil the MECS requirements, the ophthalmic practitioner would otherwise have referred the patient, and s/he believes that undertaking a MECS assessment may avoid the necessity for referral • attending another ophthalmic practitioner who does not provide the service The service should be available to all persons registered with a GP practice located within the geographical area of Harrogate and Rural District Clinical Commissioning Group for the duration of the service. Service Aims: The service aims to improve eye health and reduce inequalities by providing increased access to eye care in the community. The service utilises the knowledge and skills of primary care ophthalmic practitioners to triage, manage and prioritise patients presenting with an eye condition Access to eye care to enable more patients to receive treatment closer to their homes. The service is expected to reduce the number of unnecessary referrals from primary care to secondary care, supported by the provision of more
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CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors