MK Gallery Capital Expansion.
MK Gallery is a contemporary art gallery, located in Milton Keynes at the end of Midsummer Boulevard and at the edge of Campbell Park. Operating with no permanent collection, it exhibits and commissions work from UK based and international artists.The existing gallery building was completed in 1999 and consists of two interconnected squares in plan that accommodate a sequence of three galleries, a small bookshop and reception, and limited back of house accommodation. The gallery is constructed in steel frame within external blockwork cavity walls.The intention is to construct new galleries, an education space, workshop and cafe, together with a 150 seat auditorium capable of hosting live events and cinema screenings. The existing building will be refurbished with new plant for mechanical and electrical services, and a new roof covering. The new building is circa 1 290 m² GIA and the existing building is circa 835 m² GIA.
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1 Possible Competitors