MMO1348 - Develop an evaluation plan to assess the baseline evidence informing Marine Management Organisation goals
Description of work required - overall purpose & scope (including reporting requirements) 1. Project aim Develop a system-wide evidence plan, potentially including a Theory of Change, for the Evidence & Evaluation team (E&E) to evaluate the MMO goals. 2. Background to MMO goals The 2030 Strategic Plan1 states the role the MMO takes to ensure a healthy, productive seas and coasts for the next decade. The plan sets out seven strategic goals that include restoring richness to our marine ecosystems, managing them with a culture of compliance across all sectors, developing comprehensive management plans and leading the way on transforming the viability of the fishing industry. Specifically, the seven goals are: Goal 1 Work with partners to restore functioning marine ecosystems introducing increased levels of protection and improvement to our marine environment. Goal 2 Manage a responsive and widely owned English marine planning framework that prescribes the strategic priorities for using and managing our seas, integrating terrestrial planning policies across the range of marine sectors. Goal 3 Ensure MMO is recognised as a world leader for the marine management activities it regulates and the services it delivers across England, UK and internationally. Goal 4 Manage an agreed framework for a culture of compliance through leadership, co-management and earned recognition leading, where appropriate, to self-regulation. Goal 5 Support global marine protection by example and through sharing our expert marine management services. Goal 6 Assure the sustainable and transparent management of fishing opportunities to achieve a resilient and increasingly viable fishing sector. Goal 7 Maximise value from the use of evidence and data while ensuring effective specification, capture, integration and sharing of marine data and information.
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1 Possible Competitors