Mobilising System For East Coast and Hertfordshire Control Room Consortium
Please note that we are aware that the Procedure Type is showing as the below threshold tender. However, we would like to clarify that this is incorrect and this is an above threshold procurement. This tender process will be carried out in line with the Public Contract Regulations 2015. The East Coast and Hertfordshire Consortium are seeking to procure a resilient, futureproofed Mobilising solution to the East Coast Consortium which enables Fire and Rescue Services to individually and collectively provide a high-quality response to incidents protecting lives and property. This solution should also be responsive to emerging technologies and act as a driver to continued service improvement. This procurement is an Open (one stage process). Organisations wishing to take part in this project are invited to 'express interest' which will give access to the full procurement documents in the e-tendering system. To be considered as a Bidder you must complete and submit a Bid by the deadline of 12:00 Noon on 14th March 2022. Please allow sufficient time to make your return, as Tender submissions cannot be uploaded and submitted after this return deadline. Any questions relating to this procurement must be made via correspondence on the website, in accordance with the procurement documents and can be addressed to the main contact as shown in the details above. Background The East Coast and Hertfordshire Control Room Consortium (ECHCRC) is a partnership of four Fire and Rescue Services (Humberside, Norfolk, Lincolnshire and Hertfordshire) which has been established to deliver a technologically advanced and resilient control room function across the partner services and provide the opportunity for efficiencies. There are currently four member organisations: - Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service - covers the full county of Hertfordshire. The Service Headquarters is located in Hertford whilst the Training Fire Control Centre is located in Stevenage. It is administered by a Fire Authority which is an internal part of Hertfordshire County Council. - Humberside Fire and Rescue Service - covers the area of what was the county of Humberside (1974-1996), but now consists of the unitary authorities of East Riding of Yorkshire, Kingston upon Hull, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire in northern England. - Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Service - covers much of the county of Lincolnshire and comes under the authority of Lincolnshire County Council. The headquarters and Fire Control are now part of a joint Police and Fire HQ based at the Lincolnshire Police Headquarters in Nettleham. - Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service - falls under Norfolk County Council and covers the full county of Norfolk with a Headquarters in Wymondham The Consortium currently functions as follows: - A common technical and communications infrastructure, (including supporting software solutions) - A common...
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
35712000 - Tactical Command, Control and Communication systems
32571000 - Communications infrastructure
32523000 - Telecommunications facilities
32522000 - Telecommunications equipment
32412100 - Telecommunications network
32573000 - Communications control system
32412000 - Communications network
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors